Getting sober can feel like coming out of a deep fog. You start noticing things you ignored while under the influence. Emotions might start coming forth that you haven’t experienced in a long time. As time goes on, you may notice physical changes in your body because you are now sober. You can continue experiencing the benefits of addiction recovery by enrolling in an addiction treatment program that offers sober living services. Below are five reasons you should do everything possible to maintain your sobriety. For more information about the benefits of sobriety, please contact Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida today at 866.294.5306.
1. You Start Sleeping Better
Substance abuse can disrupt your regular sleep cycle. You may have had trouble going to sleep or found yourself sleeping for hours on end once you finally crashed. Regular sleep helps you feel more energetic and mentally alert. It restores your body and allows it to continue healing from your period of substance abuse.
When you’re not getting enough sleep, you become more prone to developing health issues like high blood pressure. It can become more difficult for you to handle stressful situations, making you vulnerable to a relapse. Getting more sleep at night improves your chances of remaining sober.
2. You Maintain a Healthier Weight
Drinking too much or abusing drugs keeps your body from getting the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy metabolism. You may end up losing too much weight or putting on extra pounds because of consuming too many empty calories.
Another way you can maintain a healthy weight is through speaking with a nutritionist experienced in helping individuals in recovery. It’s easy to replace your former addiction with another, like sugar. Talking with a specialist can help you plan out your meals more carefully to make sure you’re consuming enough healthy foods each day.
3. Your Mental Health Improves
Individuals dealing with an addiction often have other underlying mental health issues. One of the reasons you might have started abusing drugs or alcohol was to self-manage your symptoms. The opposite usually happens, and the substance abuse ends up making your mental illness worse.
Enrollment in a recovery program gives you access to treatment to help you address those problems as you move on to a sober living program. It would be best if you recognized that remaining sober requires ongoing work on the issues driving your addiction. Sobriety can help you see more clearly and understand what you have to do to stay healthy.
4. Your Physical Health Improves
Substance abuse can disrupt your immune system’s ability to keep you free of illness. That’s why many individuals struggling with drug and alcohol abuse seem to get sick so often. Alcohol can increase your risk of developing cancer. Heavy substance abuse can also impact your cardiovascular health and increase your risk of developing heart disease.
5. Better Skin
Heavy substance abuse can end up taking a toll on your skin. Many heavy drinkers start seeing physical signs of their addiction on their faces, like broken capillaries, sagging skin, and jaundice. Once you get sober, you may notice your skin start clearing up. Focusing on your sobriety through initiatives like a sober living program can lead to further skin improvements.
Enjoy the Benefits of Sobriety with Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida
The above are just a few of the ways your life can improve by breaking free of your addiction lifestyle. Think about the money you’ll save by not spending it on drugs or alcohol. A clearer mindset can help you find ways of repairing relationships damaged by your past behavior. Sobriety opens up opportunities you might not have recognized or been capable of taking advantage of when you were under the influence.
If you’re ready to discover the benefits of sobriety, Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida can be a great place to start. Our programs and services include:
Find out more about how we can help by calling 866.294.5306, or contact us online.