There are several different types of drug classifications out there. Whether legal or illegal, most drugs fit into five classes. Every single one can be dangerous—and addictive.
Typically, narcotics refer to drugs derived from morphine or opium. Also known as opioid drugs or opiates, this class is perhaps the most addictive of all. Within the class of narcotic drugs are substances like heroin, OxyContin, Vicodin, and fentanyl.
While narcotics relieve pain, they also deliver a strong high. Additionally, as tolerance increases rapidly, it leaves individuals more at risk for overdose and death.
As the name suggests, depressants are substances that depress the body and the brain. Alcohol is the most widely used depressant in the world, although it is not technically classified as a drug. Other depressants include barbiturates like phenobarbital and benzodiazepines like lorazepam.
Since depressants slow down the function of the body, overdoses can be deadly. Too much of a depressant can slow the heart, slow down breathing, and lead to coma.
Stimulants are the opposite of depressant. This class of drugs excites and speeds up the central nervous system. It increases heart rate and leads to dehydration or even heart attack. Stimulants include drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine. Stimulants are popular around the world, especially among young adults.
Hallucinogens can, as the name implies, make users hallucinate. They also make you hear, feel or smell things that aren’t there. This shifting of reality can cause people to take bigger risks or suffer from anxiety, depression and, paranoia. Some of the most common hallucinogens include LSD and PCP.
Anabolic Steroids
While anabolic steroids have a medical purpose in some cases, they are widely abused for largely cosmetic reasons. Anabolic steroids are essentially a synthetic version of testosterone, but they are taken in huge doses. Not only can these drugs be addictive, but they can also lead to complete kidney and liver failure, violent outbursts and reduced cognitive function.
Each of these drug classifications can be addictive. At Serenity House Detox & Recovery, you can take the first step toward recovery with evidence-based detox services. Through individual counseling, medical care, and group therapy, you’ll be ready to embrace sobriety. Begin your new life by calling 866-294-5306.