Attending drug rehab in Alabama and not being successful in your recovery can be very disheartening. Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to humble yourself enough for ask for help and seek out treatment. So, if it doesn’t work out, it may make you want to give up. Just know that many people have been in your exact situation. A return to a new treatment program may grant you an incredible life in recovery. The facility you went to in Alabama may not have been the right one for you, and this can be for a wide range of reasons. It’s important to know how powerful addiction is so you can make the right decisions for your next attempt at recovery.
The Drug Rehab in Alabama May Not have Been Accredited
Accreditation is one of the most important factors when it comes to looking at addiction treatment centers. Much like schools, accreditation lets you know that the facility you’re going to is fully qualified to treat your issues. Without accreditation, it’s possible the facility you chose did not use treatment methods were scientifically proven to help people with addiction. Accreditation is given to facilities that have shown they use evidence-based treatment for both detox as well as substance abuse treatment. These methods have been through a wide range of tests at different medical schools and they have also been verified by medical journals.
The other benefit of finding an accredited facility is that they work with your insurance company. Some people who went to a drug rehab in Alabama had to pay for treatment themselves. Sometimes insurance won’t pay claims due to the facility not being accredited. When you make an investment for drug treatment, it can be even more difficult to spend more money to try treatment again. Just know that if you have health insurance, an affordable drug detox may be attainable. Your insurance provider will work with an accredited facility due to the laws in the Affordable Care Act about addiction treatment.
A Drug Rehab in Alabama May Have Been Too Close to Home
Addiction is fueled by triggers or temptations, and a person’s environment can be one of those primary triggers. Not being able to focus while in treatment due to local triggers can make the entire treatment process irrelevant. Many people don’t realize this because living in their area throughout their addiction is all they’ve ever known. Local triggers may seem normal. Different environmental triggers can include:
- Friends
- Family
- The weather — good or bad
- Familiar parts of town.
Without even realizing it, your cravings may be more severe because you’re within such close proximity of everything that’s been aiding your addiction. It’s extremely difficult for someone to focus in a therapy session while knowing their drug connection is within miles of the facility. This is why relocation is the best alternative to going to a drug rehab in Alabama.
Relocating to a Florida Detox
Rather than going to a rehab in Alabama, you should relocate temporarily for treatment. Relocation may be the missing piece of the puzzle that you need for lasting sobriety and recovery. Many people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol also struggle with taking the time necessary to really focus on themselves. This is another reason why leaving Alabama is so beneficial. A Florida detox like Serenity House Detox & Recovery will provide you with a drug and alcohol detox program to help you create a foundation of recovery. They will also help you learn how to prevent relapse. If you need additional treatment, we’ll provide you with resources for different programs to help strengthen your recovery. You will return home with new confidence in yourself and your recovery. Don’t wait. You’re ready to start your journey to stay clean and sober. Call 866-294-5306.