You may have heard that marijuana is not addictive and that THC withdrawals are not real. Unfortunately, that information may be incorrect. The symptoms of marijuana detox may not be as severe as with other drugs. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist or that individuals detoxing from marijuana don’t need help. Current research shows that one out of ten cannabis users develop a psychological addiction and that teenagers are especially vulnerable to becoming addicted. Learn more about THC detox by calling Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida at 866.294.5306.
Do DIY Cannabis Detox Methods Work?
The primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is THC. When consumed regularly over time, the brain develops a tolerance to this chemical. The stronger the tolerance, the higher and higher doses a user needs to achieve the desired effects. The brain and body rely on the drug to release dopamine and other “feel good” hormones. The combination of dopamine release and the heightened sensory experiences THC brings increases the pleasure for the individual using it. In time, mental and physical dependence becomes a reality.
Quick-fix detox methods intended to help an individual fool a drug test don’t provide long-term help for breaking cannabis dependence. Time is the only trick to detoxing. Many drugs require only days or weeks for detox to be complete. Detoxing from cannabis can take much longer because THC is stored in the body’s fat cells and is not water-soluble. While proper hydration is essential for everyone, DIY remedies like drinking lots of water and doing strenuous exercise to “sweat out” THC from the bloodstream are worthless since the substance is not water-soluble.
Symptoms of THC Detox
Marijuana detox symptoms don’t pose the same physical or mental health risks as drugs like opioids or alcohol. However, they can be difficult and uncomfortable.
Symptoms may include the following:
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Headaches, nausea, or vomiting
- Irritability and mood swings
- Restlessness
Intense cravings to use marijuana may be the most difficult symptom to manage alone. Users long for the increased sense of pleasure and release of stress associated with excess dopamine. That is why THC detox programs like the one at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida are so important. Though it is possible to detox alone, it is challenging. Receiving medical and emotional support during detox helps create a more positive experience for individuals committed to ending their marijuana dependency.
Health Risks of Marijuana Use
Too many people underestimate the dangers of chronic cannabis use. Due to a lack of medical research, experts are only just starting to learn about the negative impact marijuana can have on your health.
Risks include:
- Memory problems
- Slowed reaction time
- Impaired judgment
- Weakened immune system
- Cancer
- Increased risk of heart attack due to rapid heart rate
- Respiratory problems such as emphysema, COPD, and bronchitis
Pregnant women are cautioned against using marijuana in any form. Studies have found that THC can affect the developing brain of a fetus, possibly causing learning disabilities. If you are addicted to marijuana, don’t detox from THC alone.
Benefits of Supervised Cannabis Detox
A medically supervised detox program is best if you or someone you care about is highly dependent on marijuana, has been using the drug for a long time, or needs large doses to reach their desired effect.
At Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida, clients can expect:
- Pharmacological therapies to help decrease withdrawal symptoms
- Encouragement and support from peers and staff
- Comfortable accommodations
- 24/7 medical monitoring
It’s important to take addiction seriously. Supervised detox is the place to start.
Recover from Cannabis Addiction at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida
Marijuana can be as destructive to a person’s life and health as any other drug, but you can overcome it with support and evidence-based treatment. Call Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida at 866.294.5306 to learn more about our marijuana detox program and detox from THC safely.