Methamphetamine is a powerful and addictive drug that affects the central nervous system. Some amphetamines are sometimes used to treat narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and manage weight loss. However, illegal formulations such as the street drug known as crystal meth are more common.
Recovering from meth addiction is difficult because the drug is highly addictive. However, effective treatment is available. Call Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida at 866.294.5306 to learn more about the meth treatment options that can help you break the addiction cycle.
Causes of Addiction to Meth
Like other amphetamines, meth increases activity levels and enhances the user’s sense of pleasure and well-being. However, one significant difference between amphetamines and meth is the potency. More of the components of meth pass into the brain when compared to the exact dosage of amphetamine.
The effects of meth register quickly. It causes an almost immediate “rush” of euphoria when the drug stimulates the brain to release dopamine, known as one of the “feel-good” brain chemicals. Injecting meth creates an even more intense rush than ingesting or snorting the drug. Meth addicts are known to binge on the substance for several days in a row, skipping sleep, food, and other responsibilities while they chase the elusive euphoria. In all cases, the pleasurable effects are short-lived.
Steps for Treating Meth Addiction in Jupiter, Florida
Methamphetamine use appears to be on the rise in the United States. While the opioid epidemic finally seems to be declining, meth addiction is affecting more people.
Professional treatment is best for anyone trying to overcome a substance use disorder. Quitting meth alone is rarely successful, partly due to the drug’s extremely addictive nature. For the best chances of long-term recovery, several steps are typically necessary.
Some intervention is usually needed to prompt a loved one into treatment. It may require the help of an organized event from a professionally trained interventionist or an honest talk between a few family members. Without an open conversation where the pathway for help is made clear, few people would seek help on their own. If you have a friend or family member who uses methamphetamine, you can encourage them to find treatment.
Deciding on Services
Both inpatient and outpatient services are available to help those seeking treatment for meth addiction. Inpatient programs are generally a better option considering the highly addictive nature of the drug and the added benefits of inpatient care. While in a residential treatment facility, clients remove themselves from the triggers that prompt them to use drugs. In treatment, they can immerse themselves in the process of recovery fully.
Detox is the process through which the body rids itself from meth. Both inpatient and outpatient programs are qualified to provide a medically supervised detox. Medical supervision keeps the client safe and comfortable, decreasing the amount and severity of unpleasant side effects related to detoxing.
Therapy and Counseling
After, or even during the detox process, clients can begin participating in a variety of evidence-based therapies shown to aid recovery. According to each person’s unique needs, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, narrative therapy, and other techniques are combined. The treatment of co-occurring disorders such as depression can also be treated during this stage of recovery.
Finding Effective Treatment at Serenity House Detox & Recovery
The root causes of addiction may be different for each person, but the early stages of recovery are nearly identical for everyone. To begin the process of healing for yourself or someone you love, call Serenity House Detox & Recovery today at 866.294.5306. We can help you understand the steps involved with treating addiction and get you on the road to lifelong sobriety.