Many people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol choose to attend a drug detox program. A drug detox program is designed to rid the body of drugs and alcohol, allowing the person to move forward with their lives in recovery without substance dependence. This process can be stressful for many people because they often face withdrawal symptoms that range from moderate to severe. There are several treatment options available for those who want help during their detox process; yoga therapy for detox may prove highly beneficial.
Yoga detox therapy is one of many forms of complementary medicine, which uses natural treatments like yoga as an alternative form of healing. It focuses on using breathing exercises, meditation, poses (asanas), and relaxation techniques as effective tools for managing stress and developing awareness about how thoughts impact emotions. These practices can be highly beneficial during the recovery process. To learn more about the benefits of attending a yoga therapy program, call Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida today at 866.294.5306.
How Yoga Can Help You Detox to End Your Drug Addiction
Are you looking for a natural way to help detox during drug addiction rehab? Drug addiction is not just a part of your life. It works its way to the center of your life, and it touches every part of your life. In fact, the definition of addiction is neglecting more critical parts of your life to feed your addiction instead. Addiction is when you automatically put your drug use at the top of your value pyramid, and everything else becomes secondary. You need to find natural ways to aid your recovery. One great way is yoga therapy for detox. See how you can take control of your addiction and recovery through detox therapies in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Is No Match for Yoga Therapy
What’s a natural practice to get your body balanced and in control again? Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that traces back to 2700 BCE. Think about all the trust we have in prescription drugs and doctors in America—the tradition of modern medicine is a hundred and fifty or so years old. Imagine a medical practice that’s more than 15 times as old! Yoga has only become popular in the West in the past two hundred years, but it has taken our culture by storm. More yoga studios are opening up in major cities across the US every day.
As drug and alcohol detox programs in FL clear your body of toxins, yoga therapy clears your mind. Holistic treatment programs like this give you a chance to move, breathe, and express yourself in healthy ways. Studies find spiritual growth and development during addiction treatment leads to a more wholesome recovery.
Benefits of yoga therapy for detox include:
- Decreased symptoms: Yoga therapy for detox can help individuals eliminate symptoms and side effects of withdrawal, such as cravings and anxiety.
- Improved focus: This treatment helps strengthen the mind and body. Yoga therapy can increase self-control and be a coping resource for managing stress, developing insight about self and the world, and improving physical abilities.
- Enhanced relaxation: Yoga therapy helps reduce stress through breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation techniques, and poses (asanas).
- Increased emotional stability: Yoga increases self-awareness and mindfulness, which can lead to the ability to manage emotions in a healthier way.
Yoga Therapy for Detox
What can yoga do to supplement your Florida drug addiction treatment and recovery? Detox is all about getting all the harmful toxins out of your body—getting clean, clearing your system and your mind of bad forces and substances. Yoga has a very similar aim: it’s about making your body and spirit and mind one. Drug addiction forces your body and your mind to separate from each other. You find yourself feeding a drug addiction that you don’t want to have. The body and the mind shouldn’t be at war with each other. See how yoga therapy for detox aims to create harmony for your recovery.
Contact Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida Today
Where can you go to find a detox program that includes yoga therapy? Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida is the place to go. At Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida, we understand that people need holistic addiction treatment programs to help in recovery. Our treatment programs provide many holistic programs to promote healing during detox. Other naturopathic programs during detox include:
- Meditation therapy in Jupiter
- Music therapy program
- Art therapy in Ft. Lauderdale
Call us at 866.294.5306 to check out our programs that include yoga therapy for detox. Contact Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida to begin holistic programs at our drug and alcohol detox centers.